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Make the most of Shopify

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

Shopify has everything you need to run a successful online store. It has a built-in shopping cart, accepts all major credit cards, and has a wide range of plugins and themes to choose from. Plus, with Shopify's 24/7 support, you can rest assured that someone is always there to help if you have any questions or run into any problems. Shopify is a platform designed to help businesses sell online, and it's packed with features and tools to make the Christmas period run smoothly. In this guide, we share all the insiders secrets to innovative integrations and features to make the most of your Shopify this Christmas.

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Shopify is built for scaling your business

As your business grows, Shopify grows with you. Whether you're just starting out or you're a well-established business, Shopify has the features and functionality you need to run a successful online store - here's why:

Shopify is reliable

When you're running an online store, there's nothing worse than your platform going down in the middle of a busy sales period. With Shopify, you don't have to worry about that happening. The platform is built on rock-solid infrastructure that can handle even the biggest spikes in traffic and sales volumes.

Shopify is easy to use

One of the biggest advantages of using Shopify is that it's extremely user-friendly. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you'll be able to set up and manage your store with ease. And during the hectic holiday season, that can be a huge time-saver!

Shopify offers world-class support

Another huge advantage of using Shopify is that they offer world-class support 24/7/365. If you ever have any questions or run into any problems, help is just a phone call or email away. That can be a lifesaver during the holidays when things are super-hectic.


Handling the Christmas rush

But how can you make sure that your Shopify ecommerce business is going to be able to handle the Christmas rush? Here's our tips to make sure you can optimise your sales online during Black Friday, Cyber Monday and all through December.

Make sure your stock levels are up to scratch

If you're a small business owner who uses Shopify to sell products online, then you need to make sure you have enough inventory in stock to meet customer demand during this busy time of year. But how do you know how much inventory to order? And how can you be sure you won't get stuck with leftover inventory that doesn't sell? In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to measure and predict stock levels on Shopify during the Christmas shopping season.

Look at Your Sales Data from Previous Years

One of the best ways to predict stock levels for the upcoming Christmas shopping season is to look at your sales data from previous years. This will give you an idea of how much inventory you need to order and how much demand there is for your products during this time of year.

To access your sales data, log into your Shopify account and go to "Orders" in the left-hand menu. Then, click on "All orders" and select the date range you want to view. You can also filter your orders by tag, product type, or marketing channel. Once you've found the data you're looking for, export it into a spreadsheet so that you can easily track your sales over time.

If you run out of stock, then you won't be able to sell any products or services. That's why it's critical to have a system in place that can help you keep track of your inventory levels.

Read the Guide on eCommerce Readiness

Use Shopify inventory app integrations

One of the best ways to do this is by using Shopify alert and forecasting app integrations. By using these apps, you'll be able to get real-time notifications when your inventory levels are low. This way, you can restock your shelves before you run out of products completely. In addition, these apps can also help you forecast future inventory needs so that you can plan ahead and avoid stock-outs in the future.

How Shopify and Forecasting Alert Apps Work

Shopify alert and forecasting apps work by integrating with your existing Shopify store. Once these apps are installed, they will begin tracking your inventory levels in real-time. When your inventory levels get low, you'll receive an alert so that you can take action and restock your shelves. In addition, these apps can also help you predict future inventory needs so that you can plan ahead and avoid stock-outs in the future.

Shopify integrates with all the tools you need to run a successful online business

Shopify integrates with all of the major payment processors, shipping carriers, accounting software, and other business tools you need to run a successful online store. That means less hassle for you and more time spent growing your business!

What to look for in a Shopify inventory app

Push Down or auto-hide Out of Stock Product

Automatically move out of stock products to the bottom of collections and sell more with in-stock items at top.

Improve search engine optimisation with Sold Out Items

Don't lose your hard-earned Google rankings for products that will be restocked. Keep these sold out products alive on Google, while continuing to gain customers for your online shop.

Inventory Forecasting

Forecast your demand and replenishment quantity. Forecast is based on your past sales, supplier lead time and days of stock you want to keep.

Installing a Shopify Alert or Forecasting App

Installing a Shopify alert or forecasting app is a relatively simple process. First, you'll need to log into your Shopify account and go to the "Apps" section. From there, simply find the app that you want to install and click on the "Install" button. Once the app is installed, it will begin tracking your inventory levels in real-time and sending you alerts when your levels get low.

More ways to manage your eCommerce business

Monitor Your Industry's trends

Another way to predict stock levels during the Christmas shopping season is by monitoring trends in your industry. This will help you identify which products are selling well and which ones are not selling as well so that you can adjust your inventory accordingly.

Read trade publications

Trade publications are a great way to stay informed about your industry. They're packed with information about new products, innovations, and trends. Plus, they're usually free! To find trade publications relevant to your industry, simply do a Google search.

Listen to podcasts

Podcasts are another great way to stay informed about your industry. They're usually short and always free, so you can listen while you're commuting or doing chores around the house. What's more, there are podcasts on just about every topic imaginable—including plenty of business and industry-specific ones. To find podcasts relevant to your industry, try searching Spotify or Apple / Amazon Podcasts.

Attend industry events

Industry events are a great way to network and learn about new developments in your field. Plus, they're usually pretty affordable—and sometimes even free! To find upcoming industry events, simply do a Google search or check out websites like Meetup and Eventbrite.

Follow influencers on social media

Influencers in your industry will often post about trending products on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Follow some influencers in your industry and pay attention to the products they're featuring to get an idea of which items are trending upwards in terms of popularity.

Monitor Google Trends

Google Trends is a great resource for finding industry trends because it shows how often particular terms are being searched for on Google over time. This can be helpful in identifying which products are gaining popularity so that you can make sure you have enough inventory in stock to meet customer demand.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics can help you track website traffic and conversion rates so that you can see how many people are coming to your site and how many are making purchases. This information can be helpful in predicting how much inventory you will need to have on hand during the Christmas shopping season.

Google Search Console can tell you which search terms are working for your website, and which pages are moving up the Google rankings.

Google Console

Use Google Console Insights to see what topics people are searching for to find your website, and promote the products that meet your customers demand.


Use Shopify's built-in marketing features to promote your products

Shopify has built-in marketing features that will help you promote your products and drive sales this holiday season. Here's some of the best ways to use Shopify's built-in marketing features to boost your holiday sales.

Create a holiday landing page

A holiday landing page is a great way to promote your holiday sales and specials. To create a holiday landing page, first, go to the "Pages" section of your Shopify admin and click "Add page." From there, give your page a title (like "Christmas Sale"), and add some content about your sale. Be sure to include key details like dates, discount amounts, and links to your products. You can also add images and videos to make your page more visually appealing. Once you're happy with your page, click "Publish."

Set up an abandoned cart email campaign

An abandoned cart email campaign is a series of emails that are sent to customers who add items to their shopping cart but don't complete the purchase. Setting up an abandoned cart email campaign is a great way to remind customers about the items they were interested in and encourage them to complete their purchase. Plus, it's easy to do with Shopify's built-in abandoned cart recovery feature.

How to set it up

To set up an abandoned cart email campaign, first, go to the "Marketing" section of your Shopify admin and click "Abandoned checkouts." From there, you'll be able to see a list of customers who have abandoned their carts. Next, click on the "Create campaign" button and select the template you want to use for your campaign. Then, fill out the rest of the details for your campaign (like subject line, from name, etc.), and click "Save." Once your campaign is saved, it will automatically start sending emails to customers who abandon their carts.

Run a social media contest or giveaway

Running a social media contest or giveaway is a great way to promote your products and drive traffic to your website. To run a contest or giveaway on social media, first, decide what platform you want to use (like Facebook or Instagram). Then, create a post about your contest or giveaway and include instructions on how to enter. Be sure not only to promote your contest or giveaway on your own social media channels but also to encourage people to share it with their friends (or tag a friend) for extra entries.

Send out a promotional email

Sending out a promotional email is an effective way to let people know about your holiday sale or special offers. To create a promotional email in Shopify, first, go to the "Marketing" section of your Shopify admin and click "Create Campaign." From there, select the "Email" option from the list of available campaign types. Then, give your campaign a name (like "Christmas Offer"), select the recipients for your campaign (like all customers or specific segments), and fill out the rest of the details for your email (like subject line, from name, etc.). Once you're happy with your email content, click "Send."

Set up holiday shipping deadlines

Another great way to boost your holiday sales is to set up shipping deadlines on your website. This will let customers know when they need to order by in order to receive their items in time for Christmas.

You can set up shipping deadlines in your Shopify admin by going to Settings > Shipping and delivery. From there, click on the "Create shipping deadline" button and enter the details of your shipping deadline (i.e., order by December 20th for guaranteed Christmas delivery).

Once you've done that, make sure to Promote your shipping deadline prominently on your website so that customers are aware of it. You can also include it in your email marketing communications leading up to Christmas.

Search Engine Optimisation

Shopify is designed to be search engine friendly, which means your site will be more likely to show up in search results when people are looking for products like yours. You can further optimise your site for search engines by using relevant keywords in your product descriptions and titles, as well as in your Alt text (which is the text that appears when someone mouses over an image on your site).

Blogging Platform

A blog is a great way to drive traffic to your website and promote your products. You can use your blog to write articles about topics related to your products, or simply write posts that showcase your products in a creative way. Remember to use keywords in your blog posts so that they show up in search results. And if you want people to share your posts, then make sure to include social media share buttons on each post.

Top Tip: If you need to know which keywords are most popular for your niche, drop us an email! We are always happy to jump on a call and carry out LIVE Keyword Research free, using all our premium tools.

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a great way to keep in touch with existing customers and reach out to new potential customers. Shopify includes an e-mail marketing feature called " automation" which allows you to send automated emails based on certain events, such as when someone abandons their shopping cart or signs up for your newsletter. You can also use Shopify's MailChimp integration to create sophisticated email marketing campaigns with ease.

Social Media Integration

Social media is a powerful tool that you can use to promote your products and drive traffic to your website. Shopify makes it easy to share your products on social media by including social media buttons on every product page. You can also use Shopify's "Pinterest" integration to add "pin it" buttons to each of your product images, making it easy for people to share them on Pinterest.

Discount Codes

Discount codes are a great way to encourage people to buy from you during the festive season (or any time of year!). Shopify makes it easy to create discount codes and track their performance from within your admin area. You can offer percentage discounts, fixed amount discounts, or free shipping discounts - it's up to you! Just make sure to promote your discount codes via social media and email so that people are aware of them.


Use Shopify's live chat support to answer customer queries in real-time

Customers are flooding your website, looking for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. And while it's great to have all of this traffic, it can also be overwhelming. Most customers have questions about your products, and they want answers fast. That's where Shopify's live chat support comes in.

Live chat support is a feature that allows you to answer customer queries in real-time. This is especially useful during the holiday season when you may not have the labour to field all of the phone calls or emails coming in. But with live chat support, you can rest assured that your customers' questions are being answered quickly and efficiently.

How to Use Shopify's Live Chat Support:

  1. First, log into your Shopify account and go to the "Settings" tab.

  2. Next, click on the "Checkout" option from the sidebar menu.

  3. Scroll down to the "Order Processing" section and look for the "Enable Order Comments" checkbox. Tick this box if it is not already checked. This will allow customers to leave comments when they place an order. These comments will then appear in your live chat window so that you can answer them directly.

  4. Now, go to the "Shopify Chat" tab and click on the "Install Shopify Chat" button. This will install the live chat software on your website so that you can start answering customer queries right away.

  5. Once you have installed Shopify Chat, you will see a popup window asking if you want to enable notifications for new messages. We recommend checking this box so that you can get an alert every time a new message comes in.

  6. You're now ready to start using Shopify's live chat support! To do so, simply click on the "Start Chatting" button from your Shopify Chat dashboard. This will open up a new window where you can start chatting with customers who have questions about their orders.

Tips for Using Live Chat Support

Manage expectations

Although it's tempting to try and answer as many queries as possible, don't overstretched yourself during this busy time of year! It's a good idea to let customers know what times you're available and when they can expect a response. This will help manage expectations on both sides.

Be clear about roles

If you have multiple team members who are helping with customer service, be sure to assign each member specific tasks. This will help keep things organized and prevent confusion. For example, one person could be responsible for answering questions about products, while another person handles questions about shipping. Most people expect a live chat agent to respond within 60 seconds or less, so it's important that you or someone on your team is available at all times during peak hours.

Get personal

Try to personalise each interaction as much as possible by using the customer 's name and speaking in a friendly tone. Customers appreciate feeling like they 're talking to a human being, not just a faceless business, so take the time to connect with them on a personal level.

Be honest

If a customer 's question is particularly complex or requires further investigation, let them know that you 'll need some time to look into it and follow up with them later. This shows them that you're taking their question seriously and ensures that they won't feel forgotten about.

Why is a live chat effective?

Live chat is an effective way to deal with customer queries because it is fast, personal, and convenient. Here are five reasons why live chat is the best way to handle customer queries this Christmas.


Live chat is the fastest way to get in touch with a customer service representative. Customers can get their questions answered quickly and efficiently.


Live chat allows customers to have a one-on-one conversation with a customer service representative. This personal interaction builds trust and rapport between the business and the customer.


Live chat is convenient for both the customer and the business. The customer can get help without having to pick up the phone or leave their home, and the business can provide assistance without having to invest in extra staff or resources.


Live chat is a cost-effective solution for businesses. It is less expensive than other methods of customer service, such as phone support or email support.

Increased sales: Live chat has been shown to increase sales by providing potential customers with the information they need to make a purchase decision.

Improved Customer Retention

Customers who have positive experiences with live chat are more likely to return in the future and do business with the company again. This is because they know they can count on the company to provide quick, efficient, and helpful service.


Stay on top of your orders with Shopify's order tracking feature

Knowing where your ecommerce orders are at all times is crucial to a successful business, especially during the holiday season. No one wants to be scrambling to figure out where an order is or if it's even going to arrive on time. That's where Shopify's order tracking feature comes in handy. With just a few clicks, you can easily track all of your shop's orders and ensure that everything is running smoothly.

How Does Shopify's Order Tracking Work?

Shopify's order tracking feature is designed to give you complete visibility into your shop's ecommerce orders. You can see exactly where each order is at every step of the shipping process, from when it's first placed to when it's delivered. This way, you can always be sure that your orders are on track and that your customers are happy.

To use Shopify's order tracking, simply log in to your shop's admin panel and go to the "Orders" page. From there, you'll see a list of all of your shop's recent orders. Click on any order to view its details, including its shipping status. You can also track multiple orders at once by selecting the checkboxes next to each order and then clicking on the "Track" button at the top of the page.

Why Is Order Tracking Important?

During the holiday season, things can get hectic very quickly. That's why it's important to have a system in place for tracking your shop's ecommerce orders. With Shopify's order tracking feature, you can always be sure that your orders are on track and that your customers are happy. This way, you can focus on other aspects of your business and leave the tracking to Shopify.

In addition to providing your customers with peace of mind, the order tracking feature also offers several benefits for business owners, including:

Increased transparency

Customers are able to see exactly where their order is and when they can expect it to arrive, which builds trust and increases satisfaction.

Improved efficiency

Automating the process of tracking orders frees up time that can be spent on more important tasks, such as fulfilling orders and providing customer service.

Reduced costs

By using Shopify’s order tracking feature, you can eliminate the need for other third-party shipping software, which can save you money.


How to maximise your eCommerce sales on Shopify

'Tis the season for giving, and what better way to show your customers you care than by giving them the best shopping experience possible? This holiday season, make sure you're getting the most out of Shopify so you can boost sales and keep your customers coming back for more.

Personalise the shopping experience

One of the best ways to stand out from the competition this holiday season is to personalise the shopping experience for your customers. There are a few ways you can do this on Shopify.

First, make sure you have a great theme that's optimised for mobile devices.

Second, add some holiday-themed images and banners to your site. And third, use apps like Zepto Product Personaliser (9.99USD per month, 15 day free trial) to recommend products to your customers based on their past purchase history.

By personalizing the shopping experience, you'll be able to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, which will lead to more sales down the line.

Zepto Features:

  1. Customers can preview products with digital personalisation LIVE while on-site.

  2. Set price per option and charge customer additional costs for personalisation

  3. Save personalised images and show in cart.

  4. Fully optimised on tablet and mobile browsers.

Offer free shipping

Nothing turns off a potential customer quite like paying for shipping, so this holiday season, offer free shipping on all orders over a certain amount. You can do this easily on Shopify by going to Settings, Shipping and entering your desired thresholds. This will show up as free shipping on your checkout page, making it more likely that customers will complete their purchase. Just be sure to factor in the cost of shipping when setting your prices so you don't end up losing money on the deal.

Top Tip: Make sure you have taken account of Royal Mail postage strikes, or other shipping delays when you make a commitment to a shipping date.

Create beautiful product pages

It's important to make sure your product pages are looking their best this holiday season. Focus on high-quality photos and helpful descriptions that give customers all the information they need to make a purchase. You should also take advantage of Shopify's built-in features like product videos and customer reviews to give potential buyers even more confidence in their decision. By taking the time to create beautiful product pages, you'll be able to increase conversion rates and bring in more sales.

Run targeted ads

One of the most effective ways to reach new customers is by running targeted ads on social media and other websites. Shopify makes it easy to create and manage your ad campaigns with their built-in tools. A

And if you're not sure where to start, they even offer services like Google Shopping that can help get your products in front of potential buyers who are already interested in what you're selling. A search on Google demonstrates that your potential customer is ready to buy! Just be sure to set a budget before you get started so you don't end up spending more than you intended.

Provide excellent customer service

Providing excellent customer service is always important, but it becomes even more crucial during the holiday season when people are extra busy and stressed out. Make sure your team is prepared to handle an influx of customer questions and concerns by having a system in place for managing support tickets efficiently.

You should also consider offering live chat on your site so customers can get help in real-time if they need it. By providing excellent customer service, you'll be able to build trust with your buyers and ensure they have a positive experience from start to finish.


Our picks for the most popular Shopify apps and integrations during the Christmas season

Shopify Inbox - FREE

  • The app allows users to share products and discount codes with potential buyers, as well as get insights on which chats are more likely to convert into sales. This makes it easier for users to focus on the conversations that are most likely to result in a sale.

  • From your admin panel, create quick replies, instant answers, and automated messages to help more people in less time while maintaining brand consistency.

  • Customers can chat in real time or use email to follow up.

Klarna On-Site Messaging - Free to install, additional charges apply

  • Offering payment plans on product and checkout pages can increase sales.

  • The messaging can be personalized to create a more intimate and unique online shopping experience, leading to more conversions.

  • A dedicated support team is available to help with any app-related queries you might have.

Simprosys Google Shopping Feed - 4.99USD per month, 21-day free trial

  • Advertise products on Google, Microsoft (Bing), Facebook (Meta), and Instagram

  • Automatically sync all newly added products and updates from store in under 20 minutes

  • Create and manage Microsoft Smart Shopping Campaigns and Google Campaigns

Not cheap, but valuable for ecommerce businesses ready to scale

Vitals: All-in-One Marketing 29.99USD per month. 30-day free trial.

  • Import, gather product reviews from AliExpress with photos.

  • Request reviews after order delivery to increase conversion rates.

  • Highlight featured reviews on the site.

  • Create unlimited upsells and cross-sells for products

  • You can also set up promotional discounts for volume purchases or Buy One Get One (BOGO) deals that will help you reach goals quickly while keeping costs low!

  • Record visitor actions as they click, scroll, type or move across store pages using session replays.

  • Spot drop-off points in the customer journey to boost conversions

Maximize sales on Shopify this holiday season and keep your customers coming back for more year after year. Personalize the shopping experience, offer free shipping, create beautiful product pages, run targeted ads, and provide excellent customer service at every interaction point—that's how you'll succeed this holiday season.

Shopify is the ultimate eCommerce platform

There are many platforms available for managing an ecommerce business, but Shopify is hands-down the best option available, especially during the Christmas season. With its built-in shopping cart, easy navigation, and unrivalled (affordable) integrations, Shopify has everything you need to make your online store a success. If you're looking for a platform to use for your ecommerce business this Christmas season, look no further than Shopify.

Interested to learn more?

If you are interested in integrating and setting up apps, including email marketing, search engine optimization or chatting through your eCommerce marketing strategy this Christmas, get in touch! Contact us by email at or use the handy diary below and book in some time.

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